Wellspring Ministries exists to foster personal encounters with Jesus that lead to growth as faithful followers and participation in bringing his kingdom in our community where we live, work and play.
Our primary ministry venue is The Coffee Depot, located in the historic Mt. Pleasant train depot. The Coffee Depot provides a welcoming place for townsfolk and travelers to gather, rest, and refresh. Our goal at The Coffee Depot is to provide amazing coffee, a warm atmosphere, fresh food, and great service.  
Wellspring Ministries participates in the community by joining events like the Main Street Lighting at Christmas.  We provide free hot chocolate and coffee as well as Advent devotionals, calendars, and crafts.
Wellspring Ministries also hosts weekly Bible studies and special events like our 3/16 Day of Loving, Day of Giving.  3/16 (March 16) correlates with two Bible verses, John 3:16 and I John 3:16.  We are told God loved the world so much he gave his only Son and Jesus, the Son, loved us so much he died on the cross, so we should love each other.  On that day, all food sales and extra donations collected are donated to the local Sanpete Food Pantry.
Wellspring also invites the community to other events, like Saturday Nights of Worship (SNOW), Lenten Potluck Series, and our summer Grillin’ Out on Wednesdays, providing free hamburgers and hotdogs.
Wellspring Ministries provides free Bibles and Devotional Guides to anyone.